Thursday, January 9, 2014

Adoption and The Gospel: A Calling to Care

Wow. I think I've filled out (what I can of) over 10 adoption grant applications in just the past two or three days. That's a LOT of paper. It's a lot of answering the same questions over and over and filling in all the basic information they need to know about us, our family and our adoption plans. But, you know what makes it all worth it? The little girl that I already love somewhere in Poland, who may or may not even be born yet, that we can bring home forever because we made the (comparatively) small effort it required to do so.

In all my searching for grants and funding, I've come across a lot of helpful information and a lot of inspirational stuff, but so far, this is what I'm really meditating on and giving thanks for. This is a perfect description of the heart He's placed in me through the decision process and now in the beginning stages of our adoption journey:

"One of the most wonderful truths we learn is that God’s gift of adoption means that he does not merely redeem us, but he also brings us into the warmth and love and gladness of his own family. He redeems us so that he might treat us and delight in us just the same as he treats and delights in his eternal Son. This is the story of adoption...

If any group of people should be easily mobilized to care for orphans, it should be those whom God has adopted, those who were at one time without home and hope in this world. No community of people in this world should be more attuned to the cries and groans of orphans than the dearly loved, adopted children of God. Therefore, we, of all people on earth, should lead the way in caring for orphans in their affliction."
(This quote is from Theology of Adoption by World Orphans that is found here:  - an AMAZING article.)

I am not saying any of this to say everyone should or is called to adopt, but what a reminder of what we've been given in Christ! Adoption as sons!!


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