Monday, January 27, 2014

Lesson from a speedbump...

So, it's not a road block and it's far from a dead end, but we hit a speed-bump today and I know there are lessons God is teaching me/us in this small set back. I also know there will be more ahead. Plenty More.
We were, since starting this adoption journey with our agency, told that since the agency is in NC and we are in MS, that they would allow an independent licensed Social Worker (LSW) to perform our homestudy as long as they were licensed in MS. Our agency then, as a Hague Accredited agency, would basically sign off on the homestudy after a full review and we'd be good to go. We were put in touch with an amazing Christian woman in town, an LSW and mother of 3, all adopted internationally, that was excited and eager to help us complete this major piece of our adoption for drastically less than we would have to pay an agency for the same. HOWEVER, to cover all the bases, our agency requested that she find and remit the code in MS state law that expressly states it is allowable for an individual LSW to complete home studies (as opposed to having an agency do it). Well, after much research on the part of the LSW and several internet searches and phone inquiries on my part, it appears the law is very vague and the best thing to do to be certain all of our documents are legal and acceptable to move forward with the process is to pay an agency to send a Social Worker to complete the study. BUT, God is good. He is WAY bigger than a more expensive, less convenient home study; our speed-bump. He is WAY bigger than my idea of a timeline for all of this. He is constantly faithful. He hears our requests and answers... according to HIS perfect will.

The verse that filled my spirit as I began focusing on the speed-bump instead of the road ahead was:

Philippians 4:6 (NASB)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

 So, I will make my requests known to God and I will pray "not my will but Yours, Lord". And I will be faithful in pursuing his blessing, just as Jacob was when he wrestled with God and would not let go until he had received His blessing. (Genesis 32:24-30)

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